Our Leadership
Rev Dr Paul Ferguson
Stephen Campbell
Treasurer | Committee | Trustee
Colin Wylie
Jason Campbell
Mark Campbell
Trevor Robinson
Secretary | Committee
Our History
Gallery two
Larne Mission Hall commenced originally in Mill Street Hall on Wednesday 4th March 1942 by Tommy Campbell senior, Mr William Gowdy and Mr Johnny Johnson. The rent being ten shillings a week.
Many happy memories still linger of the various men who came to minister God’s word on the Wednesday and Sunday evenings. Missionaries also brought reports of their experiences on the mission field. Open air meetings were held on Quay Street and Upper Main Street on Saturday evenings. Memorable missions include those conducted Mr J Currie (Portadown) 1944 and evangelists Mr & Mrs Bob Mullan (Scotland) 1954.
Due to redevelopment in the area we were obliged to leave this hall and move a short distance to the Getty Mission Hall, which was also later demolished. Accommodation was then found in the town Hall Board Room thanks to the local council, where we were very happy and continued our work until 1981.
During this time in the Board Room we would often discuss the possibility of building a permanent hall but requests to the Housing Executive and local
council for a site never materialised. Nevertheless the desire seemed to intensify after much prayer for God’s guidance and will concerning the matter.
A building fund was commenced in January 1975. Mr & Mrs W Robinson, who were devoted to the work for a considerable number of years, were chosen and agreed to be co-treasurers with Mr & Mrs S Taggart.
The present site, “the Potato Field ” was part of Mr J McCafferty’s farm and was purchased in May 1978. Construction began in 1979 was completed in 1981 (pictures of which can be seen on the following pages). The God who remained faithful from 1942 to 1981 has again proved himself faithful until the present day.
Instances of God’s faithfulness during construction
Almost half of the site fell sharply away down into a small river. The river had to be piped and an enormous amount of landfill was required to bring the site up to its current level. Where were the necessary quantities of landfill be found? God in his provision and perfect timing answered prayer.
Wilson’s contractors of Portglenone were currently excavating and preparing the new site for the PSV MOT Centre at Ballyloran. Their representative inquired of Mr Stanley Campbell if any landfill was requires for the site. This resulted in our site being filled and levelled at no cost to us.
A septic tank was required but a misjudgement resulted in the original tank collapsing under the weight of the soil. It was then decided to build one from concrete blocks.
As the tank was being constructed a letter arrived containing the news that God’s work was to be a beneficiary of a will, the share of which being the exact cost of the collapsed tank.
God has provided in a miraculous way through the generosity of many of His people to enable us to complete and furnish the building and enabling us in more recent times purchase a Manse.
Proof indeed of Romans 8:28.
Statement of Faith
- The Trinity in Unity of the Godhead – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, three eternal and coequal persons
- Gods Sovereignty in Creation, Revelation, Redemption and the Final Judgement
- The Divine Inspiration and Infallibility of the Holy Scriptures, as originally given, and its supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
- The fall of man, his sinful and lost condition making necessary the New Birth
- The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth and perfect humanity.
- The Atoning and Substitutionary death of Christ on the Cross by the shedding of His precious blood and His bodily resurrection on the third day.
- The present exaltation of Christ at God’s right hand and His second coming to earth.
- For all people the resurrection of the body at the end of time and the immortality of the soul.
- The personality and power of the devil, and the conscious eternal punishment of those who die unrepentant.
- The necessity of the Holy Spirit’s work in making the death of Christ effective to the individual sinner by granting him conviction of sin, repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation
- The priesthood of all believers and the One Holy Universal Church which is the body of Christ to which all true believers belong.
- Christ’s commission to the church to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.
- Believer’s baptism by immersion and the regular celebration of the Lord’s Supper until He come.
- The responsibility of all saved souls to live soberly, righteously and Godly in this present age.